Kenosis is published on the occasion of the exhibition Cathrine Raben Davidsen – Kenosis, Horsens Art Museum 2016-2017. The book includes a total of 50 color reproductions of her paintings and drawings and features texts by Museum Director Claus Hagedorn Olsen and Julie Horne in both english and Danish.
For further inquiries or to order your own copy of the book go to online shop
© 2016 Horsens Kunstmuseum og forfatterne/Horsens Art Museum and authors
Alle billeder/All images © Cathrine Raben Davidsen
Redaktion/Editor: Claus Hagedorn Olsen, Julie Horne Møller, Cathrine Raben Davidsen
Layout og grafisk design/Layout and graphic design: Claus Hagedorn-Olsen
Fotografi/Photography: Anders Sune Berg
Tekst/Text: Julie Horne Møller
Oversættelser/Translations: James Manley
Printet af/Printed by: Narayana Press, Denmark ISBN: 978 87 88985 90 0
Tak til Marie Nipper for råd og gennemlæsning af katalogets artikel / Thanks to Marie Nipper for advice and for reading of the catalogue text.
For gavmild støtte vil vi gerne takke/For great support we would like to thank: Juni Fonden,Tove og Carsten Løvbjergs Almene Fond, Konsul George Jorck og Hustru Emma Jorck ́s Fond, Grosserer L. F. Foghts Fond, Statens Kunstfond, Statens Værksteder for Kunst og Design og / and Beckett Fonden.