Blå Spor - Handmade Book
(only one left - collectors item)
This meeting between artist Cathrine Raben Davidsen and writer Naja Marie Aidt is a delicate, almost transparent presence. Blå Spor contains both private photographs, new cyanotypes, and lithographs – all working in concert with 9 poems by Aidt to establish a deep sense of melancholia. The risograph-prints and cyanotypes are the perfect conveyers of the blue tone of Aidt’ poems, while the poems draw out unnoticed sides of the visual material. The lines of Davidsen’s pen move imperceptively into Aidt’s poetry, blending with the cyanotypes until all that remains is a disembodied voice faintly murmuring throughout. Turning the pages of the book is like taking steps further and further into some in-between state; a haunted landscape where past and present co-exist in a perpetual sense of loss.
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Photos with blue background courtesy BLADR
Cathrine Raben Davidsen og Naja Marie Aidt er aktuelle med et håndlavet bogværk lavet i samarbejde med forlaget Officin. Bogen er trykt i 250 eksemplarer. BLÅ SPOR indeholder 9 digte af Naja Marie Aidt og en række af Cathrine Raben Davidsen´s private fotografier, cyanotypier (blåprints) og litografier.
Motiverne er bl.a. hentet fra naturen omkring Cathrines hus i Sverige og indeholder motiver af hendes to børn, mens billederne af fjer er fra hendes afdøde fars samling af håndlavede hattefjer, trykt med den såkaldte fotografiske blåprint teknik. Digtene kredser om natur, tid, liv, død, tab, det synlige og det skjulte.
For information om tilgængelige cynanotypier er du velkommen til at kontakte os / For information about available cyanotype prints please feel free to contact us at Bogen er signeret af Cathrine Raben Davidsen. © Cathrine Raben Davidsen & Naja Marie Aidt.